On Friday, April 19, 2024, before the beginning of the Great Shabbat (the Shabbat immediately before Passover,) we will light Shabbat candles and recite the Great Shabbat blessing, for the sake of freeing all of the hostages. The global Chabad movement has taken upon itself to help distribute Shabbat candle kits with the blessing, in Israel and around the world.
Yehi ratzon milfanecha Hashem eloheynu ve’elohey avoteynu, shetechazek vetishmor vetintzor et acheynu beyt Israel, hashvuyim vehashvuyot hachatufim vehachatufot, baavur she’anu mitpalelim baavuram. Hakadosh Baruch Hu yema’le rachamim aleyhem, ishmerem mikol tzara vetzuka umikol nega umachala, veishlach bracha vehatzlacha bechol maa’se yadeyhem, yotziem michoshech vetzalmavet veyashivem mehera lechek mishpachoteyhem, venomar Amen.
Acheynu kol beyt Israel, hanetunim batzara ubashivya, haomdim beyn bayam uveyn bayabasha, hamakom yerachem aleyhem, veyotziem mitzara lirvacha, ume’afela leora, umishiabud ligehula, hashta baagala ubizman kariv, veimeru Amen.
May it be Your will, the Lord our God, and the God of our forefathers to strengthen and preserve and treasure our brethren house of Israel, and the kidnapped captives for which we are praying. The Holy One, blessed be He, will have mercy on them, will protect them from all trouble and distress and from every affliction and disease, and will send blessing and success in all their deeds, will bring them out of darkness and shadowy depths, and will hasten to return them to their loved ones, and say Amen. Our brethren, all the house of Israel, who are in trouble and in captivity, who are at sea or land or down below, the Lord will have mercy on them, will transfer them from trouble to relief, from darkness to light, and from bondage to redemption, now, speedily, and soon, and say Amen.